
(1 productos)

Blevit Infusión Sueño Tila Melisa y Manzanilla
Infusión Sueño Tila Melisa y Manzanilla 150 gr
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Papilla Instantánea de Cereales Colacao Plus 300 gr

recomiendo. muy buena marca y producto



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Infusión Digest Manzanilla y Hinojo 150 gr

Rica, podría existir mayor cantidad

Paula M.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Me va de maravilla con la papilla sí que es sabrosa de buena textura.

Juan V.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

La papilla tiene un sabor increíble a mi bebe le encanta lo disfruta mucho.

Valentina P.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Los alimenta muy bien cada tarde como merienda se lo doy a mi bebe.

Victoria O.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Las papillas de esta marca son geniales veo que mis hijos disfrutan su sabor.

Camila J.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Contiene buena cantidad de vitaminas y proteínas es lo máximo.

Julia M.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

El producto llegó en perfectas condiciones. Aporta todas las vitaminas necesarias.

Yoana M.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

Lo he comprado durante 2 años. Puedo ver que a mi niño le encanta el sabor por la expresión de su cara. Estoy feliz con eso.

Rebeca V.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

Una fórmula sobresaliente. Les he estado dando esto a mis hijos desde el primer día. Sabe muy bien.

Víctortia M.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

Tiene un gran sabor y ha hecho que mi hijo se sienta más saludable. Compraré más el próximo mes.

Daniela H.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

He estado usando esta marca durante bastante tiempo. Es sabroso y a mi hijo le encanta.

Julia M.


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Papilla Plus Zanahorias y Crema de Arroz 300 gr

My baby love it and i start give it to her at 4 month. I gave her first just a little to see if she will like it and if its going to work with her stomach cause we had colics a lot and it seems like everything went well at least for now. She loves the taste for sure cause now she don't want to eat her formula with out adding a bit if this serial.



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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

My baby digests it perfectly and the best of all is that it doesn't give you gas or regurgitations.

Katherine M.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

It's a great option to give to the kids at snack time, particularly I always give it to my kids in the afternoon hours.

Chelsea G.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

It is the best formula to buy. The other brands have not given me so many nutrients. It is a brand in which you are always confident.

Nicole W.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

The product complies with everything described, it is an excellent formula. I am very satisfied.

Brooke R.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Its texture is very smooth and homogeneous, it can also be mixed with fresh fruits and it looks great.

Julliane W.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

My daughter is now very energetic and hungry all the time. It has all the vitamins you need.

Jannet T.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

They have a great taste and texture, other porridges are very difficult to mix because they are usually very thick.

Faith S.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

It feeds and nourishes my child like no other porridge, its taste is exquisite. I really love it.

Ellen J.


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Complemento Alimenticio Symbiotopic 30 x 2 gr

It has a very exquisite taste and my daughter does not stop eating this great formula. I'm going to buy it from my nephews.

Abby B.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

Its taste is really delicious, my 2 year old loves it. I will definitely buy it again.

Miranda A.


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Papilla Multicereales Miel Frutos Secos y Frutas Plus

I've always liked all the paps of this brand, I've given my daughter almost all the flavors and she loves them.

Carrey M.
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