
(57 productos)

Vitis Set de Regalo Kids
Set de Regalo Kids
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Vitis Vitis Encías Colutorio Bucal V2 1l
Vitis Encías Colutorio Bucal V2 1l
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Vitis Duplo Seda Dental con Cera
Duplo Seda Dental con Cera
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Vitis Vitis Cinta Dental con Flúor y Menta 2x50 ml
Vitis Cinta Dental con Flúor y Menta 2x50 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Implant Angular
Cepillo Implant Angular
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Vitis Cepillo vitis implant monotip
Cepillo vitis implant monotip
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Vitis Cepillo vitis implant sulcular
Cepillo vitis implant sulcular
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Vitis Vitis cepillo dental adulto medio caja V2
Vitis cepillo dental adulto medio caja V2
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Adulto Vitis Encias v2
Cepillo Dental Adulto Vitis Encias v2
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Vitis Vitis cinta dental con cera 50 m
Vitis cinta dental con cera 50 m
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Vitis Vitis Enjuague Bucal 1000 ml
Vitis Enjuague Bucal 1000 ml
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Vitis Vitis junior gel dentífrico 75 ml
Vitis junior gel dentífrico 75 ml
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Vitis Vitis Orthodontic Limpiador 32 Pastillas
Vitis Orthodontic Limpiador 32 Pastillas
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Vitis Vitis Pasta Sabor Manzana 100 ml
Vitis Pasta Sabor Manzana 100 ml
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Vitis Vitis Seda Dental con cera 50 M V3
Vitis Seda Dental con cera 50 M V3
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Vitis Paquete de Encías Pasta dental 100 gr +Colutorio 500 ml
Paquete de Encías Pasta dental 100 gr +Colutorio 500 ml
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Vitis Orthod Pack Pasta 100G+Colut 500ml
Orthod Pack Pasta 100G+Colut 500ml
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Vitis Blanqueadora Colutorio S/Alc 500 ml
Blanqueadora Colutorio S/Alc 500 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Compact Suave + Aloe 15 ml
Cepillo Dental Compact Suave + Aloe 15 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Compact Medio + Aloe 15ml
Cepillo Dental Compact Medio + Aloe 15ml
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Vitis Pasta Dental Anticaries 100ml
Pasta Dental Anticaries 100ml
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Vitis Seda Dental Suave 50 Metros
Seda Dental Suave 50 Metros
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Vitis Pack Anticaries Pasta 100 ml + Colutorio 500 ml
Pack Anticaries Pasta 100 ml + Colutorio 500 ml
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Vitis Anticaries Dentífrico 100 ml + Colutorio 30 ml
Anticaries Dentífrico 100 ml + Colutorio 30 ml
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Vitis Encías Pasta Dentífrica 150 ml x 2 Unidades
Encías Pasta Dentífrica 150 ml x 2 Unidades
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Vitis Pack Medio Cepillo + Pasta Aloe 15 ml
Pack Medio Cepillo + Pasta Aloe 15 ml
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Vitis Blanqueadora Colutorio 1000 ml
Blanqueadora Colutorio 1000 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Duro Access 1 Unidad
Cepillo Dental Duro Access 1 Unidad
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Medio Access 1 Unidad
Cepillo Dental Medio Access 1 Unidad
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Suave Access 1 Unidad
Cepillo Dental Suave Access 1 Unidad
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Vitis Colutorio Aloe Vera 500 ml
Colutorio Aloe Vera 500 ml
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Vitis Encías Pasta 15 ml
Encías Pasta 15 ml
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Vitis Orthodontic Access Cepillo Dental
Orthodontic Access Cepillo Dental
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Vitis Encías Pasta Dentífrica
Encías Pasta Dentífrica
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Vitis Perio Cepillo de Dientes
Perio Cepillo de Dientes Transparente
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Vitis Cera de Ortodoncia
Cera de Ortodoncia 24 gr
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Vitis Cinta Dental con Fluor y Menta 50+5mts
Cinta Dental con Fluor y Menta 50+5mts
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Vitis Recambio Cepillo Electrico Encías 2 Unidades
Recambio Cepillo Electrico Encías 2 Unidades
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Vitis Sonic Recambio Cepillo Medio 2 Unidades
Sonic Recambio Cepillo Medio 2 Unidades
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Vitis Vitis Orthodontic Colutorio
Vitis Orthodontic Colutorio
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Vitis Cepillo Den Access Suave Duplo+Pasta
Cepillo Den Access Suave Duplo+Pasta
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Vitis Seda Dental Sin Cera 50 metros
Seda Dental Sin Cera 50 metros
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Dentaid Vitis Enhebrador
Vitis Enhebrador Dentaid
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave
Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave
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Vitis Pasta Dental Áloe
Pasta Dental Áloe
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Duro Acces Adulto
Cepillo Dental Duro Acces Adulto
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Vitis Gel Dentífrico Aloe Manzana 2x150 ml
Gel Dentífrico Aloe Manzana 2x150 ml
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Vitis Colutorio Anticaries 500 ml
Colutorio Anticaries 500 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Baby +0 años
Cepillo Dental Baby +0 años
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Vitis Pasta Dentífrica Blanqueadora 150 ml
Pasta Dentífrica Blanqueadora 150 ml
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Vitis Colutorio CPC Protect 500 ml
Colutorio CPC Protect 500 ml
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Vitis Pasta Dentífrica CPC Protect 100 ml
Pasta Dentífrica CPC Protect 100 ml
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Vitis Cepillo Dental Kids
Cepillo Dental Kids
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Vitis Gel Dentífrico Kids 50 ml
Gel Dentífrico Kids 50 ml
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Vitis Duplo Cepillo de Dientes Access Medio + Pasta
Duplo Cepillo de Dientes Access Medio + Pasta
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Vitis Cepillo de Dientes Prótesis
Cepillo de Dientes Prótesis
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Vitis Gel Bálsamo para Encías Baby 30 ml + Dedal
Gel Bálsamo para Encías Baby 30 ml + Dedal

Información sobre la marca

  • Valoraciones de Vitis
  • Valoraciones en otros países


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Vitis aplicador de seda dental v2

No me ha gustado mucho, la verdad. Es enorme y difícil de usar. No lo recomendaría.

Alicia A.


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Seda Dental Sin Cera 50 metros + 5m

Excelente producto, me gusta la seda sin cera y en Chile ya no la venden



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Vitis cepillo dental adulto suave caja V2

producto de muy buena calidad. Vitis es la mejor marca para cepillos de dientes

Dèlia N.


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Vitis cepillo dental adulto suave caja V2

Me gusta mucho esta marca de cepillos!!

Alexandra Q.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Tengo 3 meses usando la pasta y ha reducido la visita al dentista va muy bien.

Samuel M.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Me va perfecto con esta pasta la mejor hasta el momento que he usado.

Ramón F.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Llego en excelente estado, buen servicio de envió es genial.

Pilar A.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Entrega completa son amables aclararon todas mis dudas es genial.

Vicente A.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Se lo recomendé a mi madre y ahora sonríe más, dientes más blancos.

Dario S.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Me cayó muy bien esta pasta es de buena marca, esta pasta es genial.

Ruben P.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

Lo uso a diario me ha ido muy bien no he tenido problemas la recomiendo.

Amparo F.


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Pasta Dentífrica de Áloe Vera 2X150 ml

La calidad y la textura es muy buena es justo la que buscaba me ayudo a prevenir las caries.

Marcos P.


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Cepillo Dental Duro Acces Adulto

lo recomiendo muy buen producto

Marta E.


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Blanqueadora Colutorio S/Alc 500 ml

Loved it!. Excellent!

Ana M.


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Ultrasuave Access Cepillo Dental

Excelente toothbrush!

Ana M.


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Vitis junior gel dentífrico 75 ml

As crianças gostam muito!!

Teresa C.


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Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave

The previous brush hurt me a lot thanks to this the brushing is softer.

David P.


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Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave

Good price the brush is of good quality I have seen that they do not hurt the gums.

John J.


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Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave

It adapts very well to my mouth is the one who was looking for its very soft filaments great.

Kurt W.


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Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave

I bought these brushes for my family and we have done very well with the brushes.

Felicia S.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

I was fascinated thanks to the dentist who recommended it to me, I see that I have improved in a few days.

Stacy L.


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Cepillo Dental Ultrasuave

The brush is quite soft does not hurt my gums yes that goes very well.

Vickey C.


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Pasta Dentífrica de Áloe Vera 2X150 ml

It has reduced the bacterial plaque of my teeth the paste if it works is great.

Ellen M.


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Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 100 ml

My husband recommended it to me and until now I have seen very positive results. It's great.

Kelly H.
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